The Hong Kong Prize is an international development award that supports projects that further Hong Kong’s global role. Successful projects must demonstrate innovation and make real differences to people’s lives, in addition to contributing to Hong Kong’s sustainable development and global cooperation in an effective and responsible manner. The competition is open to individuals and organizations worldwide.
First prize will be worth HK$10,000; second prize HK$50k and third prize HK100k are awarded; in addition, there is also an outstanding project award of HK$200,000 that will be given out. Each winner of each prize will also be invited to attend the Hong Kong International Development Forum where they can meet government officials and experts behind their award.
Hong Kong had nine artists on the shortlist for the Art Prize 2024, the highest number ever from any city in its history. Of these nine shortlistees, two-thirds were female – marking a significant shift in how we perceive Hong Kong’s art scene and women artists alike.
At the Paris Games, fencer Vivian Kong won gold and bronze medals in individual epee events – earning her widespread praise on social media; one user commented that she had worked hard and truly deserved this achievement.
Hong Kong singer-actress-style icon Ronald Cheng made headlines last weekend as she received an unexpected lifetime achievement prize at Sunday’s Star Awards ceremony. Voted for by the public, this prize marks an important moment in his career; known for his colorful performances both on stage and screen and being one of Hong Kong’s go-to players during the 1980s and 90s entertainment scene, Ronald was given this accolade to mark a significant momentous occasion in her illustrious career.
The Hong Kong Prize aims to reward and encourage academic research in Hong Kong and its surrounding regions. Established in 1996, this competition features three categories – Grand Prize, Awards, and Certificates of Merit. Winners for each category will be determined by an impartial judging panel; product-based categories will share one.
To ensure the HK Prize operates according to scientific and rigorous standards, an independent review procedure has been implemented. Reviewers for the Prize include distinguished scholars in Hong Kong studies who possess high professional and moral integrity.
The HK Prize is one of the world’s premier awards for studying Hong Kong and Greater China, awarded annually since 2009. Winning projects will be showcased at this year’s International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), taking place this September in Hong Kong and drawing over 20,000 scholars, civil society representatives, practitioners from across Asia to discuss matters concerning Asia. Funding comes from both sponsors and donors – in turn funded by Hong Kong Government with help from their sponsors and donors.