The Hongkong Prize is a Great Way to Promote Science Among Youth
The Hongkong Prize is one of Asia’s premier awards, attracting thousands of applicants each year. The prize recognizes scientists who have made groundbreaking contributions to their field while making an impactful difference for humanity, encouraging young people to pursue their passion with global vision while at the same time promoting science among youth.
The winner of the Hong Kong Prize will receive both a monetary award and access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities, where they will have access to leading scientists and gain invaluable industry experience that will propel their careers further. They can also make use of Hong Kong’s wealth of cultural resources.
This year’s competition theme is “Our Changing World”. The jury encourages artists to explore various aspects of global evolution from different social, cultural, and technological viewpoints; some works featured explore international displacement and climate change while others emphasize feminism or refugee protection efforts in cities.
As an amateur or professional artist, the Hong Kong Prize offers you an exceptional chance to showcase your skills and make an impressionful statement about society. Open to Southeast Asian residents, mainland Chinese as well as anyone worldwide residing elsewhere – to join please visit the World of Winners splash page starting March 1 and read all rules and regulations carefully prior to entering; be sure to play only at reputable gambling websites that provide fair chances to win!
As well as receiving a monetary prize, this award offers its recipient an incredible opportunity to participate in seminars and research internships at nearby universities and laboratories, meeting up with cutting-edge researchers – some of whom have even gone on to win Nobel prizes!
Winners of this award will have an opportunity to showcase their research at an awards ceremony, spreading their message about science while making an impactful statement about humanity today. It will also raise their name amongst the public and inspire young people to follow in their footsteps.
The Hong Kong Prize is an ideal way to acknowledge the efforts of talented individuals while encouraging science among youth. This year’s recipients include a man who used technology to assist homeless individuals and an artist who used fine art concepts to interpret human rights issues into fine art concepts – hopefully this will encourage other youngsters to pursue their passions and become successful scientists!
Whoever wishes to apply for the HK Prize must do so online before December’s end. They must submit an original article (such as prospective or retrospective clinical studies, observational epidemiological studies or basic science research studies). Review articles or letters to editors are ineligible.
The Hong Kong Prize is an annual arts and culture contest that provides students and emerging artists with various prizes in arts and culture. Judging panels consist of local and international academicians and experts; finalist will be invited to an awards ceremony in Hong Kong.