A domino is a small rectangular block made of wood or plastic covered in dots resembling dice, designed to fall when one domino is tipped over, setting off a chain reaction in which other dominoes begin falling in an orderly sequence. When one domino falls over, this triggers more dominoes to also tumble over. When a line of hundreds or even thousands of dominoes is set up and nudged only once, it can be truly astonishing to witness. A similar effect occurs within narrative: when one element of story doesn’t get handled properly, other aspects can become unbalanced and lose balance. As readers lose interest and even tune out completely when reading stories with no sense of momentum or pace, readers can lose interest or even completely tune out of them altogether. Therefore, it is crucial that story writers learn how to craft an intriguing tale that moves readers along from plot point to plot point without losing their audience’s interest.
This article looks at how to incorporate a domino effect into your story and writing style, in order to create an exciting plot beat at every point in the novel. Additionally, we explore what Domino means as an umbrella term which encompasses many forms.
The most prevalent application of dominoes involves placing domino pieces on a table to form patterns. Each domino piece features two faces: an identity-bearing face with dots called pips that indicate its value in a double-six set domino game; its total number of dots represents its rank allowing you to match pieces during games that involve blocking or scoring.
At its core, domino sets typically consist of 56 tiles, although more complex games may need as many as 200 or 300 tiles. Larger sets may be “extended” by adding extra pips on some dominoes’ ends to increase their ability to connect with one another – the most frequently seen extended sets contain double nines, double 12s, and double 15s for this purpose.
Lily Hevesh has been fascinated with dominoes ever since she was young. Her grandparents owned a traditional 28-pack of these wooden blocks, and she would set them up in straight or curved lines before toppling each domino one by one. As time progressed she gradually perfected her craft until becoming a professional domino artist for YouTube followers using various materials (including clay) creating intricate structures consisting of many dominoes at once – see video for examples of her work below.